Africa landscape


Ongoing projects 

Title Lead(s)

Impact of funding uncertainties for HIV prevention and treatment programs

Brooke Nichols (HE2RO and BU)

Informing cost effective interventions to maximise continued engagement on ART in people with HIV 

Anna Bershteyn (NYU), Brooke Nichols (HE2RO and BU)

Modelling the effects of structural interventions and social enablers on HIV incidence and mortality in sub-Saharan African countries (Series of papers)

Leigh Johnson (UCT)

Modelling to Inform HIV Programmes in sub-Saharan Africa (MIHPSA Collaboration)

Edward Kataika (East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community), Paul Revill (University of York), Andrew Phillips (UCL)

MIHPSA Malawi sub-project

Debra ten Brink and Rowan Martin-Hughes (Burnet Institute), Rose Nyirenda (MOH Malawi), Rob Glaubius (Avenir Health)

MIHPSA South Africa sub-project

Leigh Johnson (UCT), Edinah Mudimu (University of South Africa), Thato Chidarikire (NDoH South Africa)

MIHPSA Zimbabwe sub-project

Valentina Cambiano (UCL), Isaac Taramusi (NAC Zimbabwe), Ngwarai Sithole (MoHCC, Zimbabwe)

The incremental benefit of Advanced HIV Disease (AHD) focussed interventions on AIDS mortality

Emily Hyle (MGH, Harvard), Kenneth Freedberg (MGH, Harvard)

Assessing the impact and utility of long acting PrEP to help control HIV epidemics in various risk population and settings

Marie-Claude Boily (Imperial College London), Dobromir Dimitrov (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center)

Attribution of HIV deaths to diagnosis and treatment status

Loveleen Bansi-Matharu (UCL), Anna Bershteyn (NYU)

Projecting TB and HIV incidence in Malawi under various potential programme enhancements

Tara Mangal (Imperial College London)

Identifying major sources of HIV transmission along the treatment and prevention continuum. 

Loveleen Bansi-Matharu (UCL)
Modelling potential impact and cost-effectiveness of widely accessible (without prescription) TLD in sub-Saharan Africa.  Andrew Phillips (UCL)

Modelling effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of alternative options for PLHIV on TLD with confirmed viral load non-suppression 

Large collaborative group.  Project will use the HIV Synthesis model.
10 years of HIV, TB and malaria control in Malawi: health and health systems impacts Tara Mangal (Imperial College London) / Thanzi La Onse model.

Please get in touch with if you would like more information or are interested in contributing to a project.